VanDyson Family Office Launches the VanDyson Marine Fund

The VanDyson family office is based in Sydney, Australia and is focused on VanDyson Investments (established in 2006) and the philanthropic VanDyson Marine Fund (established in 2021).

The VanDyson Marine Fund (VMF) is the family’s main philanthropic vehicle that supports businesses, organisations, charities, NGOs, academic institutions and individuals working on marine projects involved in the Blue Economy in Australia and the Pacific Islands.

The mission of the VMF is to contribute towards a sustainable marine environment in Australia and the Pacific Islands.

Australia is an island continent with a 25,000 km coastline and 14.7 million km2 of ocean. It is estimated that less than 0.5% of all philanthropic contributions in Australia are dedicated to marine causes. The Pacific Islands to Australia’s north and east are spread across an even larger ocean area with over 25,000 islands, and a tiny philanthropic community.

The oceans cover 71% of the planet. Our oceans need URGENT protection. We can improve both the ENVIRONMENT and the ECONOMY by using our resources sustainably. This is our passion and our focus. We do this by supporting three programs:

• Marine Grants Program (typically up to $5,000)
• Scientific Research and Expedition Program (typically up to $30,000); and
• Private Land or Marine License Purchases that promote biodiversity.

These programs need to generate measurable positive social, environmental, and economic benefits. We will use our funds and expeditions as a catalyst to raise the profile of the projects we support and where possible, we will work with partners to leverage additional support and funding.

We will provide grants to organisations registered with Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC). The VMF uses a Public Ancillary Fund (PuAF) and can only approve grants to organisations endorsed by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) as a Deductible Gift Recipient Type 1 (DGR1) status and which are Income Tax Exempt. These organisations should be registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC).

For both the Marine Grants Program (MGP) and the Scientific Research and Expedition Program (SREP)programs, we will seek proposals from organisations in which we have an interest. To identify suitable organisations, we welcome the opportunity to find out about businesses, charities, NGOs, academic institutions and individuals undertaking projects or expeditions that support marine sustainability.

For additional information on our investment philosophy, eligibility and grant process and contact details refer to the website:

We will also present on our website from time to time the following:

• Showcased projects
• Scientific research and expeditions
• Blue Economy focused awards
• Blue Economy focused conferences
• Employment opportunities.


About the VanDyson family office:

The VanDyson family office is based in Sydney, Australia and is focused on VanDyson Investments (established in 2006) and the philanthropic VanDyson Marine Fund (established in 2021).


For further information:

Visit our website –
Phone us at: +61 (0)2 216 9065
E-mail us at: