
VanDyson  Investments Pty Ltd (“VanDyson ”) Web Site Warnings Policy

Hoax emails

Like many organisations, VanDyson is the subject of false representations by unscrupulous individuals not associated with the company. The company continues to take steps to limit the impact on our grantees, investees, suppliers and shareholders. Some of the more common examples are noted below.

Hoax emails, claiming to be issued by senior executives and other company employees may appear in circulation. These emails attempt to trick users into providing personal details in the belief that they will be contracted by VanDyson as an agent for the sale of our products (grants/investments) and/or offers of employment.

VanDyson has a very stringent recruitment process whereby applicants are required to apply for positions through a formalised recruitment process. We do not seek personal details for any potential employees via unsolicited emails.

If you receive an email of this nature you should ignore it and delete it from your computer.